Monday, October 3, 2011

Put your feet up...

And relax at the lake!

Another successful trip to Okoboji... Was it different with a toddler? Yes- but different in a good way. We got to see Reagan bond with her G&G's, cousins and Aunt B and Uncle Scotty.  We've planted the seed of family memories and will grow them year after year. 

The weather was perfect- high 70's and sunny every day.  We went swimming, shopping, did some light eating (ha! does everything fried count as light?!) and the guys got to golf.  We put our feet up, watched the kiddos and laughed! 

Here is our trip in pics, enjoy!

We got an early start- notice the droopy eyes...If Reagan could have coffee in her sippy, she would have gulped it down.

First stop for lunch- already laughing at buddy!

 Settled in to the condo...the kids ruled the week.

 Fun at the park! Okay, really at Barefoot Bar- how genius, a playground at a bar?!


 3 Amigos!

 Haircut on her 23rd month birthday!

 Both girls got suckers- Reagan now requests haircuts on a daily basis. She is a sucker for a sucker. :)


 So wanted to be a 'big' kid...

 Where daddy proposed!

 And we can't forget the views...

 Another great year at the lake...

 Here's to next year!

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