Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Honeymoon is over.

So someone once told me it takes 6 weeks to make a habit. I am scientific proof that that statement is not true.

I've been working out for approximately 9 and 1/2 weeks and I could still take it or leave it. Preferably leave it.  I dread the gym.

"Oh exercise gives you so much energy."  I'm exhausted!

"Oh you'll learn to love it."  Okay, and when exactly will that be? The year 2021?

Let's recap:

Lbs lost- 13.8

What's working:  As long as our weeks are completely free and devoid of all social activity and peanut goes to bed on time, then yes- I do get to the gym and work my tail off.

What's not working:  It's holiday season! We have (fun!) plans every week, Christmas goodies to eat and let's face it, it's dark by 4 p.m. and on top of that COLD. Who wants to go out at night?!

Despite my 'Debbie Downer' attitude, I do have to keep myself accountable.  I'm tracking all food/exercise in a Fitbook. So not only is it in my head that I'm off the wagon, there is written proof. Gah.

Let's hope the next 9 and 1/2 weeks go better. And by 'better' I mean the ladies working the front desk at the gym should know me by name.


Rose said...

Hi Rochelle,

Are you still training with the biggest loser guy? I think that sounds like lots of fun. I joined the Y after Trace died and have been going about 3 or 4 times a week and it also does not seem to be getting any easier. Every week I am just a new type of sore. Michael loves the childcare and so sometimes he wakes up in the morning and says he wants to go there to is good motivation for me! Hang in there!

Mrs. W said...

Hi Rose! Yes I am- he's great and very supportive. I do my regular gym and then meet with him once a week. I never really had to worry about it until I hit my late 20's and it's like the weight just sticks.
It's good to hear from you- way to go on the Y! I am so inspired by you. Know that I think of you often. Take care!