Sunday, July 28, 2013

Weekend Recap

Friday night:

The art of grocery shopping with a tired toddler- give in to the first item they take interest in and it will blissfully hold their attention the entire grocery store trip. Usually for us, it's kids soap under $2. This week, I made the mistake of going down the 'As Seen On TV' aisle... Reagan set her sights on a kiddie ice cream maker.  I was all wrapped up in the fun of summer and said, 'Sure!'

What the peeps from the kiddie ice cream maker failed to do was notify parents, on the OUTSIDE of the box, that said ice cream maker requires heavy whipping cream. Which is fine if you're Martha Stewart.  Not fine if you're us and don't normally stock the fridge with heavy whipping cream.

So... G&G W. to the rescue! After a quick phone call, a quick stop at G&G's house, we substituted half and half and it actually worked-  Homemade ice cream in a kiddie ice cream maker an hour past bedtime- now that's summer living! 

Moral of the story: she loved it and we made fun memories and grandparents are always the hero's. :)



Road trip up north!  We had some birthday celebrating to do... Rea's Grandpa, her two cousins and Uncle all have birthdays in July and August.  It was great family time!

My mom made my favorite, lasagna, and some absolutely delicious dessert that I don't know the name of but tasted like it was made by tiny dessert fairies with rainbows and unicorns. Bliss. We took a walk to the park afterwards and even though it was chilly, it was the perfect time spent with family.

Gramma with her girls:

Group shot:

Happy birthday Grandpa!

Riding the pony- what a difference a year makes. She could get on/off all by her big-girl self.

Stop and smell Gramma's flowers!

Sunday Funday!

We woke up to a beautiful Sunday!  We didn't have any plans for the afternoon so we headed to the pirate park- my first time but Reagan has been before with daycare.  She met a new friend and they played gloriously for 2 hours. We will definitely go back- what a fun park!

A quick ride before we headed out:


Another great weekend with family- Hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

it was such a beautiful weekend to be outside!!! i must know your mom's dessert now : ) yes, and we have an ice cream maker and that is when we began buying whipping cream! you can make great pasta sauce with it ...