Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day

Most moms who work outside of the home will tell you, holidays off work are sweet little gems... to be cherished with Little's and hubbies. I was so very much looking forward to having today off and we tried to make the most of it!

The day began early with a trip to the zoo. Rea had a free pass from the library so off we went!

The weather was perfect and the crowds hadn't crowded yet.  We hit the train just as it was loading, Rea was 2nd in line to get her face painted and she LOVED feeding the giraffe after another short line.  The stars were aligned for us to have the best zoo trip we've ever had. We laughed at the otters, Rea squealed at the sea lions, we cooed at the baby rhino, and watched the monkeys put on a show. Fun times!

Deep in toddler thought...

She chose a red fox and loved it!


As we were pulling away from the zoo entrance Rea said, "Mom, that was awesome."  Awesome indeed.

The weather was picture perfect this afternoon so we decided to explore the park in our development. Rea had fun on the slides and the swing-

We are blessed to have such a great park close by. We'll definitely be back!

We must have worn out our toddler because it was so quiet and we weren't sure what she was up to... when we looked, she was snuggled in, reading herself a story.  Made my heart melt.

I'm sad our day is over but looking forward to being together again this weekend. Tomorrow night starts dance class and tumbling so things will be busy!  Happy Monday my friends!

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

what a fun-filled weekend. I like the fox face - haven't seen that one! gotta love 3-day weekends. we finally made it out to adventureland : )