Saturday, November 16, 2013

One of THOSE weeks...

It's been one of those weeks... with a scheduled (demanding) work trip, an impromptu cold/sinus infection while on said work trip, and a toddler with the flu. 

We survived... or I should say, we are surviving, but it gave me an entrepreneur idea.

I would have loved a company that delivers hot soup, warm bread, a bottle of pedialyte and, just for good measure, a bottle of Pepto Bismol.  I'd call it- "Superhero's Deliver" because let's face it, anyone that can deliver all of that when you need it most, is most definitely a superhero.

I managed one picture on my entire trip and if you know me, you know that's unusual. Hence the cold/sinus infection interfering with my travel plans.

Downtown Nashville:

The calm before the *toddler flu* storm...

I shouldn't complain. I learned a lot this week, was able to get home to my family safe and sound and peanut is on the mend.  Thank goodness for every day miracles.  Hope everyone had a week of better outcomes!  :)

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