Thursday, September 4, 2014

Preschool stories...

I'm quickly learning the art of 'how to ask a preschooler how her day at preschool was...' without getting one word responses.

Her first words are always, "I love it!!"  But it takes the strategic planning of a secret CIA mission to get the good elaborate stories.  And she loves to tell us about the one boy who always misbehaves (with her eyes big and look of disdain on her face). 

She did enjoy carrots at snack time, a feat I've been working on for years... so 'YAY! School!' for carrots at snack time.  All it takes is a little peer pressure from the Littles...

I will be going to her classroom for her birthday to read a story and bring treats so she is very excited for that.  We also got an email from the teacher saying that Reagan has adjusted quite well and she looks forward to seeing her in class. Such fun to read those words others write about your own children. 

And my biggest fear.... the leaving of the coveted bunny and blankie at home has actually not been a fear at all.  She has dropped them like a hot potato every morning this week.  That baby of ours...she's growing up!

A rare after dinner treat of Smarties to celebrate a great start to the school year:

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