Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Deja Vu

August of last year was not a great month for us... and as it turns out, August of this year was following the same path.

Reagan woke up during the middle of the night over a week ago with high fevers and an odd cough.

First diagnosis and meds didn't help, second set of meds didn't help so she had a chest x-ray done, which confirmed pneumonia.  After not eating or drinking we took her in and they admitted to administer IV meds and to pin point exactly what type of pneumonia and how to treat.

We finally saw improvement once she got on the right meds and were released home after a sleepover on the pediatric floor.

Nothing better than your own home...with your own stuffies!

We could not have gotten through this week without our parents.... we have an amazing village! I'm happy to report that Rea is on the mend and looking forward to starting the school year.  What a way to end summer break.

Hope this finds everyone happy and healthy for the coming school year!!

Even with a fever and being dehydrated, she smiled.

Special delivery from her Aunts and Uncles:

Enjoying some quiet play time:

Finally on the mend:

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

R - I'm soooo glad to hear she is feeling better. What a rough time for all of you. She has certainly had her run of illnesses in her little life : ( with hospital and surgery. Let's hope Augusts will be better from now on!! Take care - thinking of you.