Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easter Festivities

We did our annual trek to Bass Pro this year for Easter fun and even though the line wrapped through the store, Rea waited like a champ! She was very excited to see the Easter Bunny and even gave him a high-five and a hug!  She got to see the fish, do a craft and get a treat- perfect day in the eyes of a toddler...

Happy Easter 2013!

Passing the time while waiting in line...she did ask, "Mommy, can we get it?"  That child is hilarious.

Craft time:

Having fun with her friends...

Peanut and the Easter Bunny:

She did twist my arm (okay she didn't have to twist too hard) and we stopped at our favorite place, Over the Top, for a sweet treat:

Her "I'm trying to be clever so mom doesn't notice I'm using my finger to eat ice cream instead of my spoon" face....

Sticker book before bed... (thanks G&G K.!)

We are hosting Andy's family tomorrow for Easter and I'm excited for all of us to spend the day together, having fun. Hope everyone has a blessed Easter!

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