Sunday, March 24, 2013

Spring Break 2013

Rea's daycare provider had the week off last week for spring break so we improvised...many thanks to Gramma W., Uncle Scotty and Aunt B, and Gramma K. for pitching in to help us with peanut. It truly does 'take a village.'

We headed north for a few days and it was nice to get out of the city for a bit. Rea had a blast with her cousins and we made it back in time to see the snow storm hit.  Let's hope spring weather is just around the corner!

Before heading out of town, I had to expose my mom to the best kept secret in Des Moines: Flarah's!  It didn't disappoint.

I don't think I've ever taken Rea to an actual McDonald's play land. She loved it and happily explored for over an hour.

Loves doing the dishes at Gramma's...let's hope she still loves doing the dishes when she's 16!

We were so lucky we got to watch my niece, Sarina, perform at her annual spring variety show. She rocked it out and we loved watching her!  She excels in band, orchestra and choir- we couldn't be more proud and I hope some of her love for music rubs off on Rea.  Great job Sarina!

Easter present from her cousins, she loved it! Her first set of Lego's.

Playing video games with Tyler...

Riding in the apple car with Braden...

As always peanut was sad to come home; she loves spending time with her G&G K. and her cousins! And she must have been worn out as she slept over 12 hours straight! Now back to the daily grind...

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