Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Recap

For the second time this summer, our plans to see the Icubs play were thwarted. Peanut got the stomach bug.

I'll spare you the gory details because nothing is decent when you're up with a sick toddler from 2 a.m. until 5:30 a.m. And I hate it when she's sick!  I feel so helpless. So we hunkered down Friday and read books, watched movies, and dined on pedialyte and Popsicles.

Finally, Rea got her groove back.  I could tell she was going stir crazy when she started running circles in the family room and ate a breakfast fit for an athlete in training. So we headed to her happy place- the car dealership (I had a scheduled oil change).  Who can resist fun toys and donuts?

I wanted to keep Rea out of the heat so we headed to the theater to see her much anticipated movie- Monsters University. Very cute movie, lots of laughs!

Saturday night we headed to our good friends to celebrate Todd's birthday. They have a fun aspect that Rea loved- a trampoline! She would have jumped all night had we let her and promptly exclaimed, "Can I get one for my birthday?"  We're going to have to think on that request... all I see is the possibility of broken bones.

Happy birthday top shelf Toddy!

Sunday started Vacation Bible School! Honestly, I had my reservations. She is one of the youngest so I wasn't sure how she would do for the 2 and a half hour time span. I should know better by now than to doubt my lil social butterfly. She was so excited and had so much fun!  She couldn't wait to tell me everything they had done and all that she had learned. Such a great experience for her!

She showed me her necklace and said, "Mommy you need to download this app on your Iphone." Um...okay someone must have given her that line. :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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