Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Welcoming Summer

It reached 85 degrees yesterday, possibly hotter, but I was too hot to check, which is usually the temperature at which I crank the air and turn on the ceiling fans and hunker down inside.  Summer not being my friend, obviously.

Rea had other plans. She talked me into pulling out her kiddie pool. We filled it to the brim and she loved it! Despite the cold cold cold hose water... fun times!

Her new favorite fruit of choice is the nectarine.  We've had some tears lately because I cannot for the life of me find cuties (clementines) and oranges just won't do so when I first suggested nectarines at the store she wrinkled her nose and shrugged her shoulders.  3 nectarines later, I think it's safe to say she approves. 

It just hit me that she's over the 3 and a half year mark, well on her way to magic number 4... time flies when you're having fun!  She is full of one-liners and loves to turn everything into a song...whether it's brushing her teeth, taking a bath, eating a meal, it will eventually turn into a song including rhymes. Oh how she loves to rhyme right now. Very charming on her 3 and a half year old self.

Toddler quotes:

Rea: "Mommy, where does Jesus live?"
Me: "Jesus lives in Heaven."
Rea: "No He doesn't. He lives in the ground so he can pet our feet when we walk."


Rea splashing water on my feet:  "Mommy I'm doing this to get rid of your wrinkles. You have a lot of them."


Her new tag line- 'Who cares anyway...'

Me: "Rea please put your dirty clothes in your hamper."
Rea: "Who cares anyway?"

Me: "Rea please don't pick your nose, go get a Kleenex."
Rea: "Who cares anyway?"

And so then I have to gently remind her the importance of being tidy and clean hygiene, and then she asks what is being tidy and what does hygiene mean and where does soap come from and can she suck the toothpaste right out of the tube and what happens if the ants in our kitchen can't find their way to their house (traps) and before you know it, it's turned into another version of an If You Give a Pig a Party book. "If you try to teach your toddler manners, she'll want a story to go with it." :)


Getting down to work...

So excited!

Chilly water!

Pool break~


Smiles for daddy~

Limbo at the library!

Happy summer!!

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

what a fun pool -- looks like she is loving the heat. it's funny that they are getting tag lines ... i like Rea's line of who cares. i need to start using that one : )