Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I have never, ever liked rollercoasters. I despise them- the high up's and the low down's- the twists when you least expect them! For someone who came out of the womb with a day planner in one hand and a pen in the other, I'm not surprised rollercoasters just aren't my thing.

I need things in order- I need to be prepared, organized, well-equipped to handle anything that comes my way. Which would be easy if life was on MY plan, my time-table but it's not. Every once in awhile, I need to take a step back and remember- THIS is not my plan, but a larger, bigger plan that I just need to sit back and enjoy, or sometimes just survive, the ride.

After a week of up's and down's- first with my sister-in-law and then my Grandma, now Andy's Grandpa is the one needing the prayers, the uplifting messages, the words of strength. He was hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit on Monday and it has since been discovered that he has a lump (tumor?) on his intestine. Further test results will hopefully come back tomorrow and will turn out okay- but in the mean time, please say a prayer for him and for Andy's Grandma- that she may have the strength to get through this difficult time.

Like I said, I don't do rollercoasters, but I'm learning to do FAITH. xo

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