Unfortunately, her 15 month well child visit turned into a sick visit... on Friday, peanut had a 103 temp, ear infection and upper respiratory infection. Not a happy camper! She weighed exactly 24 lbs on the scale but was so upset about being weighed that the nurse couldn't check her height. She is still 60th percentile for weight, so she is right on track!
Favorite foods: Rice, mac n cheese, pita chips with hummus, (diced) grapes, pizza, veggie burgers, Boca chicken nuggets, and green veggies (let's hope that one sticks through adolescence!).
This week we switched out her night-time bottle for a sippy cup and she never looked back! Honestly, what I thought was going to be such a hard transition was so easy. We also added teeth brushing to her nightly routine. She is hesitant with the brush but loves to 'help' me brush.
Favorite words: Hi, bye bye, thank you, meow, woof, moo, mommy, daddy, birdie, uh oh, apple, nana, baba (for sippy) and night night.
She loves playing with her friends and cousins as well as playing on her Leap Frog piano and loves having us read her lots and lots of books. Here are some pics from the week, enjoy!
Her new high chair pose~