Monday, March 21, 2011

Dogs in cars

Everyone has that one little thing... after a bad day, impending road rage, or trying to eat a candy bar while driving and bits of chocolate land in your lap and instantly melts and you think how in the world am I going to get melted chocolate stains out...that just stops them in their tracks and let's you breathe.....

God gave me dogs in cars.

It never fails- after I've had a bad day... feel road rage coming on.... or am eating chocolate in the car and making a mess, I look over and there is ALWAYS a dog in a car, doing their dog in a car thing... and I smile.

Something so little makes me feel so good and calm and at peace.

I love it because they look SO happy. They don't have a care in the world except feeling the wind blow in their face.
What's your 'dog in a car' moment?

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

so cute -- i love seeing dogs' ears flapping in the wind. also, starbucks gives whipped cream in little cups to dogs, so i enjoy seeing them lap up the white goodness in the drive-thru :)