Tuesday, June 28, 2011

20 Months and growing...

Yesterday Reagan was 20 months and growing!

Another month flown by... this has been an interesting past few weeks for us.  Since peanut's daycare provider was on maternity leave, me, Gramma K., Gramma W. and Andy all rallied to take our turn watching peanut. She loved every minute of it but it did mean... off routine, one on one attention and getting her way all. the. time.  What 20 month old wouldn't love that?

She (we) are slowly getting back into the swing of things this week. She absolutely loves being back at daycare and loves being with her 'buddies.'  A HUGE thank you to the Gramma's for making it even possible that Andy and I still have jobs.  Peanut loves her some 'Gramma time' like nobody's business!

She continues to work on colors, animal sounds, numbers and (Andy's favorite) days of the week. We are working on 2-3 word combinations and her fave's are:  No Way! My Turn! Go potty! It's hot!

Speaking of potty... we have introduced the concept but so far she is only on board with sitting on the potty fully clothed, then promptly shutting the toilet lid and flushing.  Loves to flush! Side note: wonder if that will affect our water bill?!  :)

She loves anything daddy has cooked on the grill- pork chops, chicken, turkey and pork loin, turkey burgers and hot dogs.  She still doesn't like potatoes and prefers rice instead.  We have noticed she isn't gobbling up those green veggies like she used to and prefers fruit now, but we're working on it. 

It's amazing what she learns every day. She is so aware of her surroundings and how we act/react..to her and to others. I love this age where her parents are still her biggest hero's and when she can't fall asleep at night, we rock all snuggled up with her little fingers holding onto my thumb. 

A few pics from the week, enjoy!


1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

reagan can say a lot -- very impressive! i love seeing her photos, they make me smile.