Saturday, September 3, 2011

22 Months and growing...

Reagan turned 22 months last Saturday! 

On Monday she gave me a shocker with an actual full sentence: "Don't do that!" As she wagged a finger in my face... and I laughed. I couldn't help myself. 

She also loves to say:

"Tank you"
"Lub you!"
"I do it."
"Come on mommy!"
"Watch Dora"
"Let's go downstairs"  (yes, where she gets to watch Dora)
"Comehere" (not a typo, it really does come out as one word)  :)

She loves to say the days of the week and does pretty good counting to 10.  Every day when I pick her up from daycare we do roll call of all her friends, cousins, G&G's, mommy and where daddy is *at work.*

She has such a fun personality.  Andy got home late Thursday night from a work trip so I said to her, 'tell daddy what you had for dinner.'  And she did. She rattled off everything she had eaten that night. Usually she just repeats what we say so... this was kinda a big deal

We had a little glitch with bath time but that seems to be under control now.  No more tears... She is doing better with veggies- she just gets tired of using her fork so we help.

She is putting on her own shoes and I can just see the day drawing near when she doesn't want to wear what I have picked out for her and instead, chooses her own outfit.  She loves playing 'makeup' with my makeup drawer and some days have to tell people- no, that's not a bruise. It's blue eye shadow.  Definitely a girly girl!

Here are some picks from the end of August, enjoy!

Always crosses her foot when deep in thought~

New "Bob bob pants" socks from G&G W.~

All she needs is a bucket of water~

Who doesn't vacuum with their pearls on?!

She is triumphant since grabbing my phone- she knows the phone is off limits... but knows it means she gets to hear 'bina!'

Bestie Carly~

Fun at the park~

Trying out daddy's new golf clubs~

Countdown is on for the birthday party celebrating 2 years....

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