Sunday, October 2, 2011

23 months and growing...

Last Tuesday, Reagan turned 23 months and growing!

We were on vacation last week~ I wondered how it would go, a week in a condo at the lake.  Last year I thought, 'It'll be great when Reagan can walk!' 

This year I thought, 'Remember how great it was when Reagan couldn't walk?'  :)  Never happy, right?

She actually did really well.  A toddler cooped up in a 2  bedroom condo at the lake was probably not the first thing on her 'toddler to-do list.'  But her one saving grace was:  Cousins!  Buddy and sissy saved the day and the 3 amigos had a great time hanging out together.

I'll follow up with a vacation post later- but for now, some peanut updates:

Her talking and vocab has really increased. She is putting more words together and sounds hilarious when she talks like an adult.  "Look at me!"  "Come over here and play!"  "I love you so much mommy!"  "See you soon!" 

On the food front, we got a little off track with vacation.  That's how it goes though right?  Lots of Juice, fruit snacks, chips and string cheese were her favorites.  She absolutely devours blueberries and prefers them frozen.  We've said good-bye to whole milk and that has really helped with her digestive issues.  She loves milk so it helps that we can give it to her now at every meal without worrying about the consequences.

Her favorite word by far is 'vitamin.'  She gets 1 a day and that's a hard concept for her to understand but she's getting it.  She is now back to loving bath time and loves to brush her teeth.  She can help dress/undress herself and would stay in her PJ's all day if we let her.

She's doing great with her numbers, shapes and colors and knows that her 'birfday' is coming up and when you ask her how old she's going to be, she proudly exclaims '2!' while holding up her thumb and pointer finger. :)

Here are a couple pics before leaving on vacation:

Vacation post to come!

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

i can't believe R will be TWO soon -- wowow! i love her Hawkeye coat with Hurkey hood :). looking forward to seeing you and R soon. have a great week.