Monday, December 19, 2011

Weekend Recap

Sometimes I'm in the mood for a whirlwind weekend... and that's exactly what we got last weekend!

Friday night:

Christmas with the Stinson's!  Drew, Adrian and Jules were in town so we knew we had to get the girls together to exchange their Christmas gifts.  Reagan was ecstatic to see Jules and loved her new back pack and books!  It was great to catch up and so cute to watch Reagan and Jules play together. 

After peanut went to bed the guys were on babysitting duty.  Nette and I headed to New Year's Eve! A cute movie but heavy on the cheese. My vote- skip the theater experience and rent it on DVD. It was great to hang with my girl though~ thanks Nette!  Mama needed her girl time!


After some last minute Christmas shopping, a hair appt. and a birthday party for Reagan's bestie Karly, Andy and I had a date night planned for his work Christmas party.  Thanks to Uncle Scotty, Aunt B, Buddy and Sissy for watching peanut for us. (Of course she had a blast and wasn't ready to come home) 

Andy and I also enjoyed our date night with our good friends Lisa and Justin! 


Peanut's first movie!!  We headed to the Muppet's with our dear friends Jen and Jackson.  I wasn't quite sure what to expect but Reagan acted like a pro.  She snuggled right in and kept asking through preview after preview, 'Where are the Muppet's?' 

About half way through, she got a little antsy but made it until 5 minutes before the ending.  She was over it and no amount of Muppet Love could settle her. So... we ended up watching the ending near the door but it was okay. She made it further than I expected and she loved it!  I see more movies in our future.

Hope everyone had a great weekend! xo

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

you look great!! glad you had some time to yourself to unwind. i also saw new year's eve and thought the same thing ... knew just what was going to happen in each step of the flick! R's backpack is sure cute : )