Saturday, September 1, 2012

Potty training...and all that jazz

We're still living life on the edge... and by that I mean, no diapers!

We're almost through our first week of potty training and I must say, it's not for the faint of heart.

As a first-time parent, I'm in that terrible position where I don't know if I'm pushing too hard or not pushing enough, you know?  There really is no exact rule book... to-do list... I know there are books and videos and great advice from those who've gone there before, but nothing designed specifically for MY child.

The great thing is, we are on day 3 with NO accidents!  And a huge break-through last night as we were playing at play land- Rea actually stopped playing in mid climb, ran over to me and said, "Mommy, I have to go potty!"  We ran to the nearest store, she picked out her stall, and low and behold, went potty!

I'm really proud of her and this whole process has made me realize, I should never underestimate my little peanut.  I need to remember this as we face new phases along the way- teach her what I know, be supportive, and watch her grow... she will continue to amaze us each and every day. Oh and MnM's help too.

Rea getting a little support from her bestie:

"Hmmmm.... lemme see if this thing is all it's cracked up to be."

New big girl underwear! Thanks Gramma K.!

Enjoying the fruits of her labor... MnM's!

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