Monday, March 11, 2013

Toddler Quotes

Rea:  "Mommy, I want to watch the Lizard of Oz." 

Me:  "Honey, it's called Wizard of Oz." 

Rea:  "No mommy, Lizard of Oz."

She LOVED the Lizard of Oz and the 'witchy witch' in her words, aka Wicked Witch of the West.

Other toddler quotes:

"Mommy, I'm really not a fan of that."  -referring to watching Food Network instead of a cartoon.

"Can I please have a smidge of milk before bed?"  -who could resist a toddler saying smidge?!

"I am going to put on my boots and my coat and you are going to get your keys and we are leaving this house."  -someone had cabin fever!  (She refused to admit defeat when I advised we couldn't meet Aunt Nette for Orange Leaf because of the weather. She sat for an hour in her coat and boots. Until the lure of making cookies pulled her out of her slump.)

"Mommy you just broke me! Jesus made me and you just broke me..." *insert toddler frown here* -when she accidentally slipped off my lap at the dinner table

As she pulled me out of bed one morning, I said, "Oof Mommy's tired."  Without missing a beat, Rea goes, "Everyday I'm shuffling."


I love my toddler and the hilarious things she thinks of! She keeps us laughing...

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