Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Giving Back

I will readily admit that I had a picture-perfect childhood. I was raised in a small town, had a wonderful mother who always supported me, went to a safe school, had a roof over my head and food on the table. It's so easy to forget not to give back. It's easy to fall into the habit of taking things for granted. I really try not to do that anymore.

5 years ago, my mother-in-law invited me to attend a 'Wild' girls group meeting at the school she teaches at. The Wild girls (who have since changed the spelling to Whyld) is an after-school program that helps middle school girls realize and recognize their dreams. This group has done so many good things for themselves and their community. They may not have such a great home life, but they put their troubles aside to work on bettering themselves.

Every fall and spring they host an annual fundraiser and last night Alyce and I attended. It was so great to see these girls put so much work into this program. And it's really neat to see the young girls I first met 5 years ago, all grown up and now serving as mentors to the new girls that come into the program.

It's not much, but I donate when I can. Hopefully, their Web site will be up and running soon so you can check them out too! This is such a great program to support. If any of you want to go to a Whyld girls hook up with me and Alyce this fall, let me know!


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