Monday, November 16, 2009

Tune In Tokyo...

Maternity leave=more time for television!

Since Oprah's been on my 'not' list lately, I've done some channel surfing and happily found Ellen! Love her sense of humor, her quirkiness, her dance moves and jokes! She definitely has a way of warding off the post-baby blues! I suggest you set the DVR and get ready to feel GOOD after watching her show. My next favorite show is 'Parks and Recreation.' Amy Poehler is so incredibly talented and I find myself laughing out loud during this show! I'm thinking it replaces 'The Office' as my new favorite prime-time TV show. *gasp!*

And of course we have to include a *FAIL* in this post. That award would go to 'Platinum Babies' on WE. A $50,000 nursery? Dolce and Gabbana onsies? Chanel baby slippers?

I caught an episode today and had to laugh at the $25,000 crib... which the baby probably won't sleep in anyway. Just don't let Reagan see this show... mama can't afford a $100,000 stroller! :)


Iowa Sunshine said...

i was such a couch potato on maternity leave -- it was awesome! enjoy your downtime and that sweet, sweet baby. she is precious and perfect!

Mrs. W said...

It has been nice!! Thank you!