Sunday, May 16, 2010

Just a spoonful of Dora...

Helps the medicine go down...medicine go down...medicine go down!

Okay, I know I know... experts agree no child shall watch TV before 2 years of age. Well I would like 'said expert' to come to my house twice a day then to administer my child's medication.

She's 6 and 1/2 months but who are we kidding? When that medicine dropper comes out, she's on to us! She knows something is going to be put in her mouth and she is NOT going to like it. And after 4 bottles of antibiotics, numerous bottles of Tylenol and Motrin, how can I blame her? I wouldn't like it either.

So what do we do? We turn on Dora. Dora, whom my child LOVES. I can recite the backpack and map song verbatim. If you want to hear them sung off-key, just ask me.

So the experts can judge all they want but in the meantime, it's time for Reagan's meds. And Dora is on the DVR.

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