This week brings... turning 8 months! What a big girl! We have officially transitioned out of her infant car seat and it actually went quite well. I think she likes the plushness of her new convertible seats. Reagan also had a play date on Friday night with her friend Jules and got to see both G&G Kollenkark and G&G Wallace this weekend! It was a good week!
We are slowly working on crawling- she'll hoist up on one knee, look around, and then promptly sit back down. Just not gonna take the leap yet... She is loving her baby food, but the bottle will always be her favorite. I'm trying to teach her to clap and so far, have only witnessed her do it once on her own so we'll see how she does with clapping over the next few weeks.
Here are some pics from the week:
Her security blankie, aka her thumb~
"Oops, better put the thumb away, mom has the camera out!"