Tuesday, June 15, 2010

33 Weeks and growing...

Today, Reagan is 33 weeks and growing!

This week brings... new funny faces (she's not used to having teeth!), a sleepover at our house with cousin Jackie and *gasp* a possible temper tantrum?!
I can't really say for sure but... when she doesn't get what she wants, she has started to thrust her fists in the air and kick her feet! It was cute until I realized, Oh. This could be a temper tantrum. I'm not sure if she's too young to actually realize what she's doing? But it's so darn cute and hard not to laugh at!
Her new thing is scrunching up her nose and snorting- she knows it makes us laugh so naturally she does it again and again. :)
Here are some pics from the week:
She loves her buddy 'cousin Jackie!'~
"You don't say!"
"You are so interesting!"

Petting Precious~

Okay... too much Precious!
"Ahoy Mate!"

Me and my baby girl~

"Say what?! We ran out of Dora episodes on the DVR??!"
*Sigh* Sadly, we had to bid farewell to the pappasan chair. In its place- a pack-n-play that my mom got a great deal on! She loves it~

Her new favorite toy~ Thanks Davy!

Until next week! xo

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