Thursday, August 19, 2010

42 Weeks and growing...

On Tuesday, Reagan was 42 weeks and growing!

This post is a little belated due to a very busy week! This past week brought a visit from out-of-town cousins, a trip to G&G Kollenkark's house, and her 9 month well-child exam.

Over the weekend, we had Sarina, Tyler and Kaitlyn come for their annual visit before school starts! We had so much fun and as the girls pointed out, even had time for our designated shopping trip to Jordan Creek Mall! The girls got to experience their first Build-A-Bear visit and we had a blast!! We also visited the zoo and then when everyone loaded up the car to head home, they took peanut with them!

I love our annual tradition of cousin time before school starts but now we have to deal with Reagan going through withdrawals from her cousins. (teehee) :) See you in 3 weeks, guys!

Reagan also had her 9 month well-child exam. She checked out in 'perfect' condition, minus the fluid in both ears. At least we didn't have to fend off another ear infection. Baby girl slipped to 50th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height~ weighing 21 lbs, 3 oz and 28 inches in length. The Dr. said she was right on track for her individual growth chart and was on track with all her other developmental milestones as well. Always thankful for a great check up!

Here are some pics from the week!

Tickle time with mommy!

Really, really, really concentrating on standing up~

*sigh* Gone is the playmat for 'babies' which no longer held Reagan's attention. In its place: her loveable pony, Clip Clop!

"Nice pony....."

"See mom? I can turn the pages all by myself!"

Baby toes!!!

More baby toes!!!

At Build-A-Bear~

Reagan was mesmerized with the cotton machine~

Hanging before breakfast~

At the zoo~

Until next week! xo


Chef Stinson Family said...

"I'm a Rockin' Pony, Clippity Clop, Clippity Clop" :) Jules had that same pony only in pink. That song will forever be embedded in my brain!

Mrs. W said...

"Such a pretty pony, clippity clop, clippity clop..." Andy and I sing it ALL the time. ARGH!