Wednesday, May 11, 2011

On My Radar

What I'm loving right now:

My mother's day gift from peanut!  A hand painted flower pot with flower. *swoon*  Her daycare provider did help a smidge but said that Reagan gave a good effort with the paint brush.  I think she'll have Andy's artistic abilities as I have NONE.

Three words:  Mister Car Wash

Lemme get this straight.  I sit in a pleasant, freshly smelling, air conditioned room eating (FREE) popcorn and drinking (FREE) coffee while a bunch of guys and gals spiffy up, not only the inside, but the outside of my car in under 20 minutes for around $8??? 

Let the record show.  If, at retirement age, I am left broke and desolate, I blame Mister Car Wash.

If you have yet to experience a Jason's Deli, grab your car keys and head to one immediately. They are amazing... free mini muffins that'll rock your socks off.  Free ice cream... free garlic bread...a bunch of free stuff that comes with your meal. Did I mention a lot of added free bonus items when you buy an entree??

"Oh Jason's Deli... you had me at my 10th mini muffin."  I'll be back.  And next time I'll be smart enough to bring Ziploc baggies with me. What?? They're for the mini muffins.


Girl's night out!

Love spending time with my girls... this week we hit up a new Italian place for dinner. Yes, you can still smell garlic on my breath.  And then caught the new chick flick- Something Borrowed.  Lovely!

Some things on my radar lately...just sayin....

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