Monday, July 30, 2012

A Day in the Life of a Dieter

Okay so to be honest, I didn't even last a day.

I had this great plan 4 months ago that I would lose 30 lbs. just in time for my step-sister's wedding.  Fast forward to one week until the wedding and I still have those 30 lbs. I sound like a broken record, right?

So my sister-in-law informed me of this great way to shed the lbs. quickly. Drum roll....wait for it.... the cabbage soup diet!  I vaguely remember this but never really gave it much thought.  It's obvious diets and I are arch enemies. I hate them. They hate me.

So I took a deep breath, bought the ingredients and whipped it up- all ready to tackle the diet plan this week.

Yup... I lasted until approximately 2:30 p.m. where you could have found me in the fetal position in my cubicle, my stomach making sounds I never knew it could make.  The diet failed me. I failed the diet. I promptly popped a bag of popcorn and tried to find my sanity. 

I made it half a day.

So what's a girl to do with these extra 30 lbs.?  I'm trying a body wrap. If it's successful, I'll rave about it. And a word from me to the wedding cake: watch out, I'm coming for you!

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