Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

I was really excited for Easter this host our family and friends and to see Reagan's reaction to the Easter bunny stopping by. Her reaction was priceless and after some 'awesome mom and dad!' and 'I'm bursting with happy!' we settled down and looked through her goodies.

We did the typical chalk (she was low) books (she really needed more age appropriate) dance outfit (outgrew all of her old ones) dress up outfit, candy, and prek prep books (she is loving math right now!). Her big gift was her new bike and she was so excited to hop on! This will be a good thing for us- the plan is for Andy and myself to get bikes and then I see many fun family bike rides in our future.

We welcomed our family and friends and as with all holidays, enjoyed so much good food and festive drinks- peeptini anyone? Sweet but ever so tasty!  We told stories, we laughed, and the kids were spoiled by our dear friend Annette, with a fun Easter egg hunt. They had so much fun looking for eggs and finding neat treasures! Thank you again Aunt Nette!

I never forget the reason behind the holiday and we give thanks for all our blessings- our health, happiness, love and fellowship.  I'm so grateful for this life and those that help fill it.  Much love and many Easter blessings!

The Easter bunny came!

She wore her fairy wings all. day. long.

Disclaimer: She does own a bike helmet and will be wearing it from here on out. Mommy fail: I forgot to grab her helmet in all her bike excitement.

The 3 amigos... with a new friend!

Thanks G&G W. for the Easter baskets!

I went back and forth...china or paper. I love using our china set but... have to work tomorrow so paper won this year.

Peeptini! Banana liquor, whipped vodka and orange/pineapple juice. Yum!

Egg hunt!

The loot!

She called these her 'movie' glasses?  She cracks me up.

Let's fly a kite!

Family shot:

Happy Easter!

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