Sunday, August 24, 2014


We've had a pretty rough week while Reagan recovers from surgery. 

The side effects of being under, in addition to her icky meds, has not been fun.  She experienced night terrors and loss of appetite all week. There is nothing worse than seeing your child suffer. But I know this too shall pass.  In fact, we may have turned a corner.  Reagan woke up full of energy today, dressed herself and declared she was ready for here's hoping the worst is behind us.

So many thanks for all the packages, visits, babysitting from grandparents and nurse house calls from Aunt Nette.  They have all helped!

Candy Land...

Candy Land...

And more Candy Land...!

Lego adventures...

Play dough fun....

Stories with Gramma K.

May have bought a few too many new games for the iPad....

Snuggles with bunny...

Finally ate! A good breakfast... and ready for church today!

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