Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Iowa State Fair 2015

We skipped the fair last year and so I was really looking forward to taking Reagan this year. Best laid plans, right?

The Friday before we were set to go, Rea was diagnosed with Serum Sickness, a side effect of the meds she received while in the hospital.  So we hunkered down all weekend with meds around the clock hoping for some relief for our baby girl.

Monday morning came and Reagan seemed to be doing better.  However she wasn't too keen on going to the fair.  I thought that was odd since she usually loved to be on the go, but I think she was just tired from the illness.

So needless to say, we shared a few bites of corn dog and peppermint bar, enjoyed some lemonade and cheese on a stick, Rea got a Hawkeye tattoo and we called it a day.  Not how I envisioned our fair visit but Rea was our first priority.

"Mommy they have big food at the fair!"

We are hoping that another dose of the meds this week will kick in and help Rea get over this nasty sickness so she is on the mend before school starts. 

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

i've been thinking a lot about her ; (. what a rough-go -- she has had a lot happen to her little body in her life so far. it doesn't sound like her not to be excited about the fair, so she must still be dragging from all of the illness and recovery. take care - all of you. i can't wait to hear about her kindergarten!! : )