Saturday, December 31, 2016

Christmas Break fun!

It's always a juggling act being a working mom/dad and figuring out Christmas break.  I was able to take a couple days off this year and Rea spent some quality time with her G&G W.  It worked out great and we managed to have a fun Christmas break!

Hatching the Hatchimal...
It wouldn't hatch on Christmas day but the day after... Rea accidentally dropped it and it magically started the hatching process!

Mommy/Daughter day!  A trip to the mall, Build a Bear, Claire's and our fave lunch place, The Cheesecake Factory!

Rea spent a fun day with her bestie at Climb Iowa- her first time and after she got over her initial fear of heights, she loved it! She's been begging to go back ever since.

Swim time and bball time with friends at the gym!

Who doesn't wear jammies while shooting hoops?

Ice skating! Our first at the ice skating rink this season and she loved it once she got over her first initial fall...

And it wouldn't be Christmas break without baking!

Making Gramma W's chocolate chip cookie recipe. She did all the measuring, mixing and even cracked the eggs with no shells. Success!

The perfect Christmas break~ now time to ring in the new year and pray for a peaceful, content and FUN 2017!

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