Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year! The good, the bad, and the ugly

Wow! One full year of blogging- seems like just yesterday I was looking at our digital camera thinking, "Is it a can opener?"

So yes, after ditching my Walgreen's disposable, I joined the technology era and put some words down on paper, er- I mean, on the computer screen, to keep in touch with everyone near and far.

This has been a year of ups and downs, with one word coming to my mind: resiliency. Never underestimate the power of faith, prayer, amazing family, and wonderful friends. We've all witnessed some tragedies in 2009, along with some great moments to share.

Even though my 401(k) ran away, my job is up in the air, and my car has one leg in the ground, I'm going to take the 'glass half-full' approach to 2009. May we all be blessed with patience and knowledge to see things through to the light of a new day.

Health, happiness and love to you all in 2009!

1 comment:

Chef Stinson Family said...

Ohhh, I am liking the new living room set-up. And....the snowflake looks great on that vase!! Hope you had a wonderful New Years! Here is to another year of wonderful friendship! :o)