Tuesday, December 29, 2009

9 Weeks and growing...

9 weeks?! Each week that goes by doesn't seem possible. Before I know it she'll be shooing her dad and I out of her dorm room at the U of Iowa (okay...if she doesn't want to be a Hawkeye we'll still love her!) :).

So yesterday was a big day for Lil Peanut...her 2 month check-up which included the 'S' word...no, not that one. SHOTS! Andy came along for moral support and it was hard on both of us. The good news: she only screamed for a minute and was out cold by the time we left. She was a champ!

The Dr. said she looked 'wonderful!' She weighed in at 13 pounds, 3 ounces and 23 inches in length. 97th percentile for weight and 75th percentile for height- no shocker there, just look at her parents! She is still keeping us so thankful by sleeping 8 hours a night and we have talked to Pastor Lee and set her baptism date for the end of February- can't wait!

Here are some pics from the week~

Sportin' her new Christmas outfit from her cousins Jack & Evie:

Lovin Bumbo time (and for worry purposes, no she was never unattended during this photo shoot) :)

Check out her new bling (aka bracelet):
Her 'Spring/Summer' PJ's that won't make it to Spring/Summer:

Who wants to bet my child's first words will be 'cheese' and 'camera?' :)
Til next week! xo

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