Tuesday, March 9, 2010

19 Weeks and growing...

Today, Lil P is 19 weeks and growing...

This week brings TEETHING. Drool by the bucket load, fingers pulling at the gums, big tears of hurt, restlessness, etc. etc. What happened to my happy-go-lucky, sleep-through-the-night baby girl? Okay I'll admit. The weekend was bad. This week has been better- Tylenol and teething tablets are saving her (and our!) sanity. I know this too shall pass but when she looks at me with those big blue eyes, piling over with tears and is in pain, it's hard for my heart not to hurt.

Another milestone this week: cereal! We got out the spoon and Hello Kitty bowl and I whipped up a batch of rice cereal, fully expecting her to chow down. That didn't exactly happen. She managed to get down about 6 spoonfuls and had had enough. The same on day 2, only this time I tried oatmeal. Tonight we'll see how it goes- I'm not going to force it by any means.

I scheduled her 6 month photo shoot for the end of April so it's time to plan those outfits! Good thing she's still at that age where she doesn't fight me on the tutu's. :)

Here are some pics from the week:

Souvenir from Daddy's trip last week, 'Lil Fan Baby Herkie'~

Reading with Gramma W~

"Look my feet can touch!"

"Okay, this doesn't look so bad..."

"Well maybe..."

"There I swallowed it. Now where's my bottle?!"

"If it'll fit in my mouth, it's going in my mouth."

Until next week! xo

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