Tuesday, September 14, 2010

46 Weeks and growing...

Today, Reagan is 46 weeks and growing!

This week brings... a trip up north to visit family, Water Babies swim class and... wait for it... I can't believe it...WALKING!

Albeit short-lived, Reagan did walk across our entire family room on Sunday with her walker. Then she promptly tilted, legs giving out and *gently* hit the side of the sofa cushion. Cue: no more walking. But she did make the attempt and we've been working on it a little bit every night. It's like she still has the memory of the tumble she took and won't let it go...

Reagan and I also enjoyed a fun trip up north staying with G&G K! Peanut got to visit her Great-Gramma and spend quality time with cousins. It was good times as usual- and I got to get in my 'fall' fix of Pumpkin Chocolate Chip cookies! Reagan wasn't the only one getting spoiled. :)

We also started Water Babies this week and even though the first class was a little rough, I think Peanut was just getting her feet wet (pun intended). We worked on blowing bubbles and kicking feet, sang songs and played with rubber duckies. How could you not have fun with that?!

Here are some pics from the week, enjoy!

Getting ready for a walk~

Kisses from Great-Gramma~

The best we could do after 10 re-takes~ by the way, anyone know where Grampa K's wallet went? Oh yeah, he has grandkids now. :)

Reagan loves her new fridge magnets!

"Now let's see...where should I put the pig's head and the cow's behind?"

Baby feet on the move!

What happens when baby girl wants to read all the books at once~

Prepping for Water Babies~

"You mean I really get to play in the water? YAY!"

We have been trying to teach Reagan how to self-feed. This is the story of the lone Cheerio.
"Okay mom, I've got it in my hand!"

"Now let's see...where does this go again?"

Abandoned on the carpet for a ball that caught her attention.

Until next week! xo

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