Tuesday, September 7, 2010

45 Weeks and growing...

Today Reagan is 45 weeks and growing!

This week brought a very fun-filled labor day weekend that included a trip to Incredible Pizza, grilling out with the neighbors and watching the Hawkeyes win!

Now that peanut has crawling down pat, we are starting to work on walking. She'll take steps while you are holding her hands but that's as far as we've gotten. She has gotten so quick at crawling that we really need to find a baby gate, stat!

She had cheerios in milk for the first time and loved it! She is also loving Yo Baby yogurt and cut up cheese. She has also gotten really good at the sippy cup in just the past 2 days. She understands how it works now and loves to drink from it at supper time.

She also had her follow-up tubes appt. with her ENT Dr. Everything looks great! She passed her hearing test and had custom ear plugs made so we can have fun at her Water Babies class next week!

Here are some pics from the week, enjoy!

Her first (noticeable) booboo:

New toy scored at Jacque's garage sale!

Ready for the Hawkeyes!

Heading out to Incredible Pizza:

Okay so obviously the TV in the background playing cartoons didn't help us when it was picture time:

Her first ride!

She loved it and wasn't scared at all:

Now the 'jumping apple' ride was a different story:

Group shot:

Let's go Hawks!

Looks close!


Look I can stand! All by myself!

Quality time with G&G Wallace and Daisy!

Having a blast with the neighbors and their swing! We're on the lookout for an affordable swing set if everyone can keep their eyes open for us- thanks!

Until next week! xo

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