Sunday, November 18, 2012


So after that lovely post about our great Thanksgiving celebration (see below)... Rea got the flu.

Oh how I miss baby spit up. 

Oh how I despise toddler throw up. 

It's 1 a.m. and I am jolted out of bed by Andy saying, "She's throwing up!"  And seriously, what kind of mom am I that I don't even wake up to the sound of my toddler getting sick over the monitor?  (To my credit, it does sound like she's only coughing)

So round one was at 1:00 a.m. Bath, laundry and the neighbors seeing every light on in our house at 1:00 a.m. and wondering if we decided to have a party. Not quite.

So round two was at 3:00 a.m. and by this time peanut knows the drill and after getting sick, in her sweet toddler voice, happily exclaims- 'Mommy I didn't get any in my hair!'  Perfect honey. :)

So our plans to see Santa and go to dance class today were thwarted but on a high note, peanut is sipping juice and snuggled in watching cartoons.  And I apologize if you were eating during this post.

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