Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Almost four years to the day...

The signs were clear. Her baby tubes had fallen out... the pulling at the ear, loss of appetite, screaming after a bath...we scheduled an emergency ENT visit and heard the dreaded news. New set of tubes, adenoids/tonsils out. I wanted to cry but put on my happy face so Rea would know the word 'surgery' wouldn't be so bad.

Almost 4 years to the day since Reagan's first set of tubes, when she was only 10 months old...I keep telling myself we have a great specialist, he does so many of these a year, so many kids have gone through this and have been just fine.  I hate the thought of her going under again and then the recovery from having the tonsils removed sounds like I'd prefer three root canals while playing with a mad lion over this. 

I'm praying for a quick, effective surgery and the same for her recovery period. 

I took this pic tonight as it reminded me of her sweet lil baby face with chubby cheeks... I just want my baby to feel better and am hoping the surgery will be our answer.

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

: ( I'm sorry Rea and your family will have to endure another surgery. Even though she will feel the benefit in the long-run, it is so difficult to see your baby in pain and not be able to make it all better. It sounds like she has been through so much already with infections and strep. I will be thinking of you.