Saturday, April 18, 2009

Kick up your heels and..well...wince

Last night I threw on some heels (insert *wince* here) fluffed up the hair and headed out for a night on the town to celebrate Nettie's birthday! We held the festivities at Blue Moon Dueling Piano bar, which was great fun!

With an impressive menu we enjoyed appetizers and pizza. I, of course, was on water duty but the martini's ordered by the other girls looked scrumptious! And no party is complete without a cake from "Let Them Eat Cake!"

After a few hours, my feet were screaming and I reluctantly called it a night- I'm not used to wearing out so fast! But it was so much fun to get together with my group of girls for a fun night singing along to 80's tunes and diving into birthday cake!!

Happy birthday Nettie!! xo


1 comment:

Nurse Nettie said...

You are the best! I thought you hung pretty darn well in those heels after 3 months along with lil' Peanut! Thank you for everything!! Love you! Nette