Tuesday, August 25, 2009

30 Weeks, 2 days and counting...

Today I am 30 weeks, 2 days and counting...Lil P is measuring about the size of a head of cabbage! Thought for the week: Am I back in first trimester again?! The nausea and dizziness has come back, much to my dismay. I thought I could safely put all of that nastiness behind me. But at least I know how to conquer it-eating every hour or two... drinking plenty of fluids... giving in to ALL my cravings (okay, that last part might just be my own 'medical' opinion!).

The most exciting part of this past week was that Andy was finally able to feel her kick! She was going crazy Saturday afternoon while we were lounging and when he put his hand on my stomach, she just kept on going! It was so amazing to see him take that in and experience what I've been experiencing for many weeks now. Today she actually kicked me hard enough that my work badge (which was nesting on my belly) actually jumped! Such a surreal but cool feeling!

My first shower is coming up on Sunday and I'm so excited to get together with my girls and talk all things baby! And can you believe we only have 9 and 1/2 weeks left??!! Time is flying by...

Here is my 30 week belly shot:

See you next week!

Monday, August 24, 2009

You know you're pregnant when...

Your stomach honks the horn as you exit your car. Yes, true story.
*hangs head in shame*

Start your sewing machines...

Project Runway is back!

Even though I've never sewn more than a lone button on a sweater (and that's pushing it!) I've always loved Project Runway~ and it's finally back on TV!

I was a little worried since it's on a new network but never fear- Heidi and Tim are as 'Ferosh!' as ever! Let the dramazzzz unfold!

And maybe I'll learn more about sewing than how to prick myself in the thumb over and over...

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

29 Weeks, 2 days and counting...

Today I am 29 weeks, 2 days and counting...Lil P is measuring the size of a butternut squash! I have three words that come to mind right now: HOLY HEARTBURN BATMAN! Now I know why Tums and Zantac make up 2 of the major food groups for Preggo women. I don't know where I would be without them...or Pillsbury products for that matter, but you all know my obsession with the chubby lil white guy!

I had my 29 week appointment yesterday and according to the Doc, 'I look great!' Too bad I don't feel great- but it was very kind of her to say so. I think she took one look at my cat eyes and thought- 'Hmmm...this girl needs some positive reinforcement to get through the next 11 weeks!'

Well it worked. I left her office feeling like, well, not as plump. Now if only I could get her on the phone every morning while I'm trying to get dressed for work, sweating like a tri-athlete just to work my way into a pair of maternity pants...

So my goals for this week are to increase my prenatal vitamin to hopefully get some relief from these nasty leg cramps, talk Andy into foot massages every night and keep on truckin! If you've made it this far, sorry for the rant. I really do feel blessed every day that things are going as they should.

Here's my 29 week bump:

See you next week!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Think pink!

I was able to complete another wall in the nursery today.

Okay, who are we kidding- I can't hang anything to save my life but I did talk Andy into breaking out the power drill so we (and by 'we' I mean 'he') could hang up the hook I got for Lil P's room.

I got the chocolate brown 'R' online at Restoration Hardware Baby, the pink hanger from Target (love those dollar bins!) and the tutu on sale at Claire's. I really like how it turned out! Next week we get the carpets cleaned and then I think we'll be all set!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


There are definitely perks to having a 'Master Carpenter' in the family. For one, your very own custom-made furniture!

After scouring for weeks to find a small end table to go beside our sofa, I realized there was no way I was going to pay over $100 for something that I just wanted to set one glass on! So of course, Scotty had a brilliant idea to create a shelf for the side of the sofa. Worked perfectly~ as always!
Thanks Scotty!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

28 Weeks, 2 days and counting...

Today I am 28 weeks, 2 days and counting! Lil P is measuring the size of a Chinese cabbage:

This is the week I have felt that I need to have my 'game-face' on... according to the baby books, kicks should be monitored after every meal and at night. Which is a great idea in theory, but for a girl who already worries about everything, it's hard to do and not freak out the second I don't feel a kick (like a pregnant woman has room for one more worry). But I know to relax, have faith- I've gotten this far and as long as I'm feeling her move throughout the day, I'll be okay.

My next Dr. appt. is Monday and I'm sure I'll be going every 2 weeks after that. I've completely given up on sleeping through the night, or even being somewhat comfortable lying down. Still trying to get in my daily walks and haven't really had much for cravings except all things SWEET. Go figure.

Here is my 28 week belly shot:

Until next week!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Nursery: sneak peek

Here are some pics of the nursery, almost complete! Just a couple last minute touches and we'll be ready for Lil P!

Thanks to Scotty who once again showed off his excellent talents and put up the shelves and curtain rod while Andy was busy putting the crib together. I'm so happy with the results of the painting too!

Giggles and squeals and laughs...oh my!

This past weekend my parents brought my nieces and nephew down for a quick visit before school starts. We had a great time shopping, eating out, swimming at the pool and playing around the house. Their stay went by too fast but I sure was (a good) exhausted when they left!

Enjoy the pics~

Demonstrating the art of "tongue touching your nose"
My buddy, Tyler-Byler:

My co-chef's in the kitchen- we made a delicious monkey bread!

I'm so glad we've made it an annual tradition for the kiddies to come visit before school starts- never a dull moment when they're around! :)


This is a pic from the crazy storm that rolled in Sunday night... at least we didn't suffer any power outages or storm damage.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Orange pop will never be the same for me again...

After enduring 2 glucose tests and drinking the infamous 'flat orange syrup' I finally passed! I have to admit, it wasn't pretty. Spending 4 hours in the Dr.'s office after having fasted for 18 hours and trying to keep the syrup down, I'm glad it's over!

Now I can reach for that donut I've been craving...er, uh, I mean- bag of carrots. How many more weeks til delivery?!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Can it really be starting already?

I was driving home from work and noticed a couple trees in our development have already started changing colors! Fall is my absolute favorite season and when I catch a glimpse of the leaves changing it means that our annual vacation to Okoboji is just around the corner!

Considering it took every lick of energy I could muster to get up and go to work today, daydreaming about vacation is just what I need right now. Here's to a nice crisp fall when I'm 8-9 months preggo!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

27 Weeks, 2 days and counting...

Today I am 27 weeks, 2 days and counting... Lil P is measuring the size of a head of cauliflower! And I'm proud to announce that I've officially entered the 3rd trimester! My energy has been zapped this week and I am taking lovely naps after getting home from work every day. Must be trying to make up for the fact that I haven't slept through the night in weeks.

I go in Friday for my 3 hour glucose test and hope I can pass with flying colors! My cousin sent me Reagan's first 'baby doll'- it's adorable! Thanks Alicia!

The painting is progressing in the nursery and should be done by Friday. One more thing to check off our list!

Here is my 27 week belly shot:

Until next week!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

You're only as old as you feel...

I have to admit, it's getting harder and harder to put on my party shoes for a night out but... last night we did just that!

Our good buddy Mark was celebrating his birthday and it was the perfect night for sitting out on the patio and drinking... (water, of course!). We had some great laughs, good fun and most of all, we got to help Craw celebrate his big day.

Happy birthday buddy!