Tuesday, January 12, 2010

11 Weeks and growing...

Today Lil P is 11 weeks and growing...

and growing she is! Houston: we have a growth spurt! Formula is her best friend right now- going through almost two cans a week. She loves to eat up to 8 oz. every feeding and I'm wondering when we're going to have to break out the rice cereal. I'm sure it will be before the recommended 4 months.

She loves to bat at her toys and try to grab them... and is averaging 9 hours of sleep a night. Let's hope that continues next week after she transitions to daycare!

Here are a few pics from the week:

Trying out her new excersaucer for the first time, a little overwhelmed~

Loves the jungle mat~

Prefers sucking her thumb to sucking on her paci~

Tummy time with Ms. Pig~

Just hangin out~
Can... allllllmost.... reeeaaachh.....

Until next week! xo

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