Tuesday, January 26, 2010

13 Weeks and growing...

Today peanut is 13 weeks and growing... another milestone started this week: the highchair! Andy and I always make it a point to eat together at the kitchen table every night, a family trait we want to instill in Reagan. It was getting harder to do without a place for her to sit with us so it was definitely time for a highchair.

This is also her 2nd week at daycare and it's going great! She loves her teachers and they love her, even if she doesn't nap during the day like all the other kids. Ha! She is the youngest in age but biggest in size- that's our healthy baby girl!

I have also noticed that she's grown out of her baby socks. Not a staple I've thought of to replace so that is on my to-do list this week. She is still the happiest baby on the block, especially when her belly's full and her diaper's dry!

Here are a few pics from the week:

Until next week! xo

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