Thursday, January 27, 2011

15 months and growing...

Today, peanut is 15 months! Seems like just yesterday we were getting ready for her first birthday party.

15 months brings...more teeth, new words (Hi!, bye bye, up!, more, ball, owie, Uh-oh!, mama, dada) standing on her own and trying so hard to take steps! In fact, tonight we scored 3 steps all on her own!

She is also busy becoming her own little self, she knows what she wants, when she wants it- and the tantrums are coming out of hiding! I try really hard to ignore but mostly end up covering my mouth, turning my head and laughing. She doesn't find the humor. :)

She is sooo attached to her striped blankie, or lovey, and still sucks her thumb. We have noticed she usually reserves that for those times when she's so tired or has a boo-boo. She still loves all things veggie, fruit and salmon cakes! We are down to one night-time bottle and I'm sure will phase that out within the next month or so.

Will update stats after her 15 month appt. in Feb.

Here are some recent pics, enjoy!

Loves chilling with daddy...

"Are the cookies done yet mom?"
"I'll check!"

"Uh...can you give a girl a hand? I'm stuck!"

New 'teether'~

"Her 'Come and get me mommy!' smile"

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