Monday, January 10, 2011

Toddler Update

Reagan is working her way to 15 months! Hard to believe she's not my snugly lil peanut anymore. She is always on the move, giving us a run for our money!

Some new developments: Giving 'High-fives', saying 'owie' when she gets hurt (or we're changing her diaper- waiting for someone to call the authorities because she is screaming OWIE in a packed mall), has let 2 back teeth pop through and can stand on her own- one step closer to walking, right?!

Ah yes.. the dreaded subject. No. Not yet walking but we think the end of the knee crawling is near. Or so we hope.

She is still a great eater- will try anything once and is completely off baby food. Eggs and toast are her faves for breakfast, loves her some spaghetti and anything sweet? Better be shared. :)

She makes us laugh every single day- sometimes with us, sometimes not (ahem- those temper tantrums are just too hilarious!).

Here are some recent pics~enjoy!

"Uh mom? Can I pretty please eat this block?"

Gets so excited sitting on the kitchen floor!

"Now let's see what this book says... upside down..."

"Check out my grill!"

"Here's what I do when mom cooks with my sippy..."

"Play with the water jug when mom isn't looking and then give her a heart attack when she looks..."

"And play with my kitchen magnets!"

Reagan added a couple 'new' additions to her clubhouse! Thanks to her cousins, Sarina and Kaitlynn for making "No Boys Allowed" signs that we had to promptly display!
"See Daddy- no boys allowed!"

"Ooh! Unless you're a Hawkeye fan!"

"Peek a boo!"

"Uh mom? Can I stand on the couch?"

"OHMYGOSH! I'm so excited to be standing on the couch!"

Clearly we need to invest in a humidifier.

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