Monday, December 10, 2012

All Things Dance.

It was a busy week for the Little. 

She happily started dance class in October and got to show off her hard-earned talents at her recital this past weekend.  She also got to shake her tail feather at the halftime show at the Iowa Energy game Friday night.  Crowds of hundreds staring down at her?  She took it as a challenge and rocked those tiny dance shoes.  That's my girl!

It started with recital rehearsal, where us mama's had strict demands to polish and shine the Little's. And by polish and shine, I mean ADD MAKEUP.  Have you ever tried to add mascara to a toddler's lashes? It reminded me of that one time when I was 10 and tried to give my cat a bath. It didn't end well.

So... forget the makeup. On to the hair.  Hot rollers? Nope.  Ponytail? Barely. Let me run a brush through the snarls?  You're outta your mind.  *sigh* 

At least she put on the costume... while exclaiming, 'Mommy this is too tight.  It's making my tummy sad.'  I may or may not have bribed with fruit snacks. Okay, I bribed.

Once we got through the initial why are we leaving the house when it's supper time, and she saw her friends at rehearsal, all was well- and she was even more excited to get up on stage. Things were looking hopeful for the recital!


 At the rehearsal:

At the Iowa Energy game:

And finally the big day. The makeup went on a little smoother, the pony tail went in with no cries and she shimmied that outfit on like she was born to be on the stage. She really did great but the best thing of all, she had a blast!  I see many more dance recitals in our future. :)

The big day:

We are so proud of our Little!

1 comment:

Iowa Sunshine said...

that's really neat! i would be dying at age 3 (or 30) to be in that crowd ... hurray for Rea! fruit snacks always work, don't they!?