Sunday, April 28, 2013

Adventureland 2013

Opening day!

The weather was perfect for opening day at Adventureland.  We got there a couple hours before closing which is the great thing about having a season pass- we didn't have to spend all day there, trying to squeeze it all in- we can go back as much as we want... And I have a feeling Reagan will want to go back every day if she had her way!

She loved the rides- her favorite was the blue big rig with the double steering wheels... the froggy jump 'tickled her tummy' and she didn't throw a fit when I told her it was time to leave but she did tell me- 'Mommy I'm disappointed with that decision.'  Mini donuts helped with the disappointment.

Of course we had to stop for a slushy and she was able to do most of the kiddie rides without having to wait in line- a very successful trip to Aland! 

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