Sunday, April 14, 2013

I live for weekends. Said me, every Sunday night.

After a busy week it was nice to have some down time this weekend. Don't get me wrong, I love plans! But for once we didn't have any plans and I found myself loving the time at home, hanging out with Andy and peanut.

I was hoping Saturday would be nice for us to spend the day outside. We maybe got an hour with bubbles and it was just too chilly/windy.  Rea had fun though!  We picked up a pizza Saturday night at my all-time favorite spot, The Other Place, and watched The Lorax while Rea was awake and Lawless after Rea went to bed.

I had been wanting to get Rea involved in Kid's Church on Sunday mornings since she was old enough now. I was a little worried about how she would react since it was new... and she didn't know any of the other kiddos. I should remember to have faith in my baby girl. She had a blast! She introduced herself to the Kid's Church Director, gave him a high-five and never looked back.

Funny story: The kids director thought she acted more like she was 5 years old than 3 so we got the go ahead for her to attend Vacation Bible School this summer too even though she isn't technically 4 yet.  She talked about Kid's Church all day long today and it reaffirmed my commitment to getting us involved in more church activities.

After bath train time:

In the next few weeks we'll be finishing up her dance with a recital, starting adventures in Wee ball, starting toddler church night during the week and getting her ready for swim lessons.  Looking forward to all of our activities we have on the horizon!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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