Sunday, October 27, 2013

Four years ago today...

Dear Reagan,

Four years ago today, our most amazing dream came true- we had you.

What your daddy and I had waited for, for so long, had finally came. We welcomed you with tears of joy and wrapped our arms around you SO tight. We never wanted to let go.

So here we are today, celebrating your four years of life. How fast they flew by...


You are our independent little girl... you love doing it (anything and everything) by yourself.

You can dress yourself (with the exception of a neck hole and your socks might end up on with the heels right side up) but you try every day.

You know your letters and can count to 30. We are working on phonics... You can write the letter 'R' if you concentrate really hard and you are SO proud when you think it looks like it should. You can verbally spell your name and we are working on your last name.

You love eggs! And don't forget the bacon... with a side of toast. You still love most fruit- nectarines, mandarin oranges and fresh pears are your favorites. You eat veggies because we make you but the only veggie you actually gag on is carrots.  You love pineapple juice in your very own lil can and Recess peanut butter cups are your guilty pleasure- with a side of milk!

You are truly an outdoors kinda girl... you would stay outside for hours if we let you- playing on your play set, in the sand box, driving your car or your bike and always asking to play with the neighbor kids.

You fiercely love your family- Grampa's and Gramma's, Aunt's and Uncle's and cousins.  You also love being with your friends- you ask every day for a play date or a sleepover...

You are doing so well with dance this year and tumbling.  You love going to both and we can't wait for your next recital.

You love trips to the library, kids church and running 'erwands'... and your favorite hobby is having your face painted.

Reagan- never forget you're our greatest joy. We smile because of you, we laugh because of you, we strive to be better parents because of you.  We are so proud of all that you have accomplished this year and can't wait to see what year 4 has in store for you.

Love you to the moon and back, always and forever.
Your biggest fan,

Reagan at 4 weeks:

Reagan at 4 years:

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