Sunday, January 26, 2014

Cold Winter Days

An open letter to Old Man Winter:

It was great while it lasted (let's be clear, once Christmas is over we don't need the wind, snow, ice...) but I'm tired of the dry, cracked fingers, full body chills if not wearing an adult-sized full length snow suit, dry lips despite hour after hour application of chap stick, a really super duper dirty car that I can't wash, and a rambunctious toddler who needs outdoor play time!


Get on with Spring already


Here's how we've kept our sanity lately:

Lots of made up games accompanied by toddler shrieks and giggles-

Receiving fun surprises in the mail (thanks G&G K.!)-

Indoor play land play dates-


Swimsuit hamper beach ball (because the toddler is tired of winter as well)-


Comfort food- my favorite soup recipe (not mine and I don't know the original source)-

Stay warm my friends!

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